Does Your Jaw Hurt In the Morning? It Could Be Teeth Grinding

Instead of waking up feeling refreshed, you’re met with jaw pain in the mornings and maybe even a headache, and you can’t figure out why. The odds are pretty good that you’re teeth grinding or clenching your teeth at night, a common condition called bruxism. Stress-related dental issues are fairly common these days — in […]

When It’s No Longer Wise to Hold Onto Wisdom Teeth

You figure that by the time you’re in your late teens or early 20s, your teeth have all come in and settled into their final positions. Not so fast. Between the ages of 17 and 25, up to four new teeth can make an appearance at the back of your mouth and cause no small amount […]

4 Advantages of All-on-4® Implant-supported Dentures

In an ideal world, your teeth follow you into old age and serve you well — but this ideal isn’t all that common. It might surprise you that 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, and 40 million are missing all their teeth. If you find yourself on this spectrum and need to replace partial […]

3 Reasons Dental Veneers Are So Popular

When it comes to cosmetic dentistry options, there are a few standouts, and dental veneers are near or at the head of the pack. In 2021, the global market size of dental veneers was an impressive $2.1 billion— a number expected to grow in the coming years as more people seek to improve their smiles. There […]

When You Should Consider Your Toothache a Dental Emergency

There’s nothing quite like a toothache, which can quickly become the center of your existence. Between the proximity to your brain and the sensitive nerves inside your mouth, a slight problem like a toothache can become a major quality-of-life issue in no time. Whenever you’re in pain, and it stems from your oral health, the […]

The Truth About How Tobacco Affects Your Teeth

As a risk factor, few things can touch tobacco use, which finds itself at the top of the list for a number of serious health issues that range from heart disease to lung disease. In fact, tobacco use is blamed for about 20% of deaths in the United States. As dental experts who offer services that cover most areas […]

How We Can Relieve Sleep Apnea with Dental Appliances

Let’s kick off this discussion with some eye-opening facts about sleep apnea. For starters, about 30 million people in the United States have sleep apnea, but only six million are aware of it. Next, sleep apnea is associated with some very serious complications, such as cardiovascular disease and mental health issues like depression. Putting two and two […]

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

Like 178 million other people in the United States, you’re missing a tooth and want to learn what you can about your replacement options. If you’re wondering why dental implants are so popular — nearly five million dental implants are placed each year in the US (and this number is growing) — we review some of the many benefits […]

Teeth Whitening vs. Veneers: Which Is Right for Me?

You understand the power of white teeth, whether it’s fueling a great smile or you want to exude great health and vitality. Unfortunately, life has had other plans, and your teeth are falling short of white, leaning more toward a dull yellow or brown. You’re not alone, which explains why the teeth whitening industry in […]

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